Saturday, 4 June 2016

On Thursday, June 2, I visited the bluebird nest boxes on Goats Peak. All of them seem to be taken over by wrens. These small birds are not always detected by the trail cameras and when they are, the pictures are not worth keeping. 

One of the cameras had videos of visits by two mule deer bucks.

Fireweed is in bloom now but I am surprised that there are very few plants.

I would have expected an abundance of Fireweed after the burn of several years ago. I always admire the intricate beauty of these flowers. 

Other plants in bloom there now are Golden Aster, Showy Daisy and Spreading Dogbane. 

Golden Aster

Spreading Dogbane seems to take the place of Fireweed after a fire in this area. Expansive areas are pink with their blooms. I always admire their little pink bell-shaped flowers.

The pink lines on the inside of the blooms are referred to as honey guides. This plant is visited by many different species of nectar-feeding insects.

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