Sunday, 5 June 2016

On Friday, June 3rd, Herb and I went to check a trail camera on the Upper Powers Creek Trail,  to replace a second camera that had been brought home for adjustments and to set a third camera  to monitor that trail, since I am rather pleased and excited to get pictures there of Black Bears and Cougar, as well as both of our species of deer, Mule Deer and Whitetails. The one camera in operation had not taken a picture in the previous few days.

On our return trip, we stopped to check the camera at the Glenrosa road pond. I should call it " the moose pond" since we most consistently get moose pictures there. This time was no exception. The camera had taken two pictures, both of moose, one a daytime shot--

--- and the other at night.

Continuing down Glenrosa Road, we came upon a bear that was feeding in a roadside. It was probably eating a variety of green vegetation but included were dandelions, as the telephoto pictures show clearly the leaves and stems of dandelions in the bear's mouth. The bear was about 50 metres from our vehicle.

Except for its head, the bear's body was covered with long, shaggy hair, obviously the remains of its heavy winter coat.

We drove on, leaving the bear peacefully grazing.

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