Saturday, 17 September 2016

Forest ponds are mostly dry at this time of year but my friend, Paul, has found one in the Peachland area that seems to be permanent. The bears, and other wild animals have found it too. Paul has one of his cameras monitoring this pond, and the results are both beautiful and instructive. Paul has kindly allowed me to use this video in Catch of the Day.

Meanwhile, life at the Bear Tree continues to reveal new aspects of bear behaviour. I am not sure that these two bears are sisters but they are the same size and general appearance and sisters do tend to stay together more than other bears once they are mature. That is not to say that they may sometimes have their differences!

Some North American Black Bears have attractive white blazes on their chests. This is one of  them, although it allows us just a glimpse of that distinctive mark:



  1. Wonderful footage Lars! So beautiful to see such amazing animals at play in their natural habitat.

  2. Wonderful footage Lars! So beautiful to see such amazing animals at play in their natural habitat.
